Thursday, December 12, 2019

Why Get Exterior Detailing for Your Vehicle

Everyone has a special association with their car because after your house and office this is the third place where you spend a bigger portion of your time. So naturally, we try to keep it as clean as possible but let’s be honest even the cleanest of us have some tracked in dirt creases, spilled a sticky drink or two and accidentally left some food crumbs and wrappers in our car. We want to clean all this mess but our Busy lifestyle prevents us from doing so. None of us has got time to clean our cars thoroughly and the number of dirt, crumbs, used tissues and fast food wrappers just keep on piling up. And that is why we need professional cleaning for our cars regularly. Most of us like to go to the basic car wash when it comes to cleaning our vehicle but to maintain its value it is important to get exterior detailing of the vehicle done.

Exterior detailing of the vehicle is different from basic car wash in many ways. In detailing basic exterior wash is done as well as
  • wax,
  • interior vacuuming,
  • window cleaning
  • chrome trim and
  • surface polishing (glossy finish etc.) is also included

In Exterior detailing, professionals also give your vehicle a thorough examination to see if it requires any additional repair work such as:
  • carpet dyeing,
  • headlight restoration and
  • wheel repairs.

And if your vehicle does need some repairs the service company gives you a detail list of expenses so you can decide accordingly. Basic car wash is just cleaning the vehicle from outside but exterior detailing focuses on reconditioning the car both from outside and inside in detail. There aren’t any fixed guidelines for details. That means your detailing service will tell you about all the work your vehicle needs and then based on your preferences you can select a suitable package for your vehicles such as basic, premium, hand wash, and wax. Detailing services will remove all the impurities, scratches, and grimes from your car. Another important thing that only detailing can do is a decontamination of the car. Mite infestation in car seats can be a serious issue if you have a busy schedule and don’t get enough time to clean your vehicle.

Exterior detailing in Columbia also offers remote cleaning of your vehicle so You can get your car squeaky even if you’re at your office or home and don’t get enough time to visit a detailing service yourself. If you want to get basic detailing, it will take just 1 hour. But if you get done extensive cleaning and detailing of your car regularly it will help maintain or restore the value of your car.

Most external detailing services in Columbia offer fleet services as well. So not just cars you can get detailing done for gas trucks, ambulances, cement trucks, trailer boxes, tractors, tow trucks, delivery trucks, and company vehicles as well. If you need a free quotation about the detailing of your vehicle you can always contact Capital Detailing Services in Columbia.